Bequests by generous donors and friends have been a major source of gift income for Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa throughout its history. While much of our attention is focused on current issues and needs, the availability of future support from donors and friends assures that the core mission of Girl Scouts will continue to be conducted at the highest levels possible.
Therefore, in recognition of my/our strong belief and confidence in Girl Scouts, I/we have made a gift by will or trust to Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa. I/We have attached a copy of that portion of the will or trust that references my/our bequest or gift to Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa. If I/we make any change to this provision or if the value of the bequest or gift changes substantially, I/we will notify Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa of such change. I/We understand that all information listed below will be kept in confidence unless I/we authorize its release.